Don’t Judge Me Mondays: Raspberry Beret
I don’t know about all of you, but I was totally shocked and saddened last week at the news of Prince’s death. He was an amazingly talented musician, producer and writer, which made him an icon. The world has lost an extraordinary human being and he will be missed terribly.
One of the first Prince songs I heard was 1999. I remember my mom trying to tell me that the song was even cooler than I already thought because it was the year I would graudate from high school! For some reason, I didn’t believe her. Maybe it seemed so far away as a young child or maybe it just seemed totally impossible that such a cool artist could have a song out about the year I would graduate. Of course as I got older, I realized she was totally right. As a high school senior, it felt pretty epic to have a song titled my graduation year (and by such a legend, no less)!
It probably seems silly, but I wanted to do something in honor of Prince, so I’ve created a cocktail dedicated to him. It’s beautiful, unexpected and wonderful all at the same time, just like Prince.
RIP Prince, you’ve left a big hole in this world.
This drink is fairly simple, but has a touch of glamor (we are celebrating Prince, after all).
We start with Chambord, which is a raspberry liqueur. If you can’t find Chambord, any raspberry liqueur will do.
Fill a cocktail shaker with ice, the Chambord, Bourbon, lime juice, and raspberries. If fresh raspberries aren’t available, frozen raspberries that have been thawed will work here too.
Muddle the mixture until the raspberries are broken up. We don’t own a muddler, so I just used the handle of a plastic spatula, which worked just fine.
Top the shaker and shake vigorously. Strain and pour into the most glamorous glass you have. Sip while listening to Prince. I would suggest starting with some of the classics like Raspberry Beret (obviously), Kiss, Purple Rain, and When Doves Cry.

- 2 ounces Bourbon
- 1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
- 3 ounces Chambord
- 1/3 cup raspberries
- Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice. Add the Bourbon, Chambord, lime juice, and raspberries.
- Muddle the mixture until the raspberries are broken up.
- Top the shaker and shake vigorously. Strain and pour into the most glamorous glass you have.