Pickled Carrots

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When I was thinking about what to share for this month of preservation recipes, I knew I wanted to do at least one pickled vegetable recipe.  Carrots are perfect for this because they are crunchy and sweet and can really stand up to the pickling process.

Let’s get to it!

Start by putting your shredded carrots in a large jar.  I used a quart mason jar, but you can use whatever you want as long as it has an airtight lid and holds at least a quart. Now you’ll make the pickling liquid.  Add everything else to a small pan and cook over medium heat.

I used garlic cloves, ginger root, and star anise to flavor my pickled carrots.  I’m reminded of Bahn Mi when I think of pickled carrots, so I was inspired to use some Vietnamese flavors.  Here are some other flavor combos you also could try:

  • garlic, rosemary, and thyme
  • cinnamon, peppercorn, and clove
  • cilantro, mint, and garlic

Cook for a few minutes until it starts to bubble and the sugar is dissolved.

Carefully pour the hot pickling liquid over the carrots in the jar.

Let it sit at room temp until it’s cooled.  Now pop on the lid and store in the fridge.  They will last up to a month.

So, now you may be wondering what to eat with these pickled carrots.  They are great on so many things, but here are some of my top picks:

  • As a topping for grilled pork tenderloin
  • In a seafood taco
  • On a sandwich- I would go with Bahn Mi, or chicken salad
  • In a Cobb salad to add some zestiness

But really, the possibilities are endless!  I’d love to hear how you plan to use them!

Pickled Carrots
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  • 1 pound carrots, peeled and shredded
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2 peeled garlic cloves
  • 2 anise stars
  • 2" peeled ginger


  1. Put carrots in a large jar.
  2. Add everything else to a small pan and cook over medium until it starts to bubble and sugar dissolves.
  3. Pour pickling liquid over carrots in the jar.
  4. Let it sit at room temp until it's cooled.  Now pop on the lid and store in the fridge.  They will last up to a month.









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