Fruit Dip

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I don’t know about you guys but we definitely over-indulged over the holidays.  While we’re not perfect, we’ve been trying to eat lighter these days to give ourselves a break. A year ago my friend Betsy shared this dip with me.  It’s a nice alternative to just peanut butter with apples but still has a good amount of protein.  I feel a little silly calling this a recipe because it’s so easy to make, but I like it so much I had to share it!

Let’s dip!

Start by adding the almond butter and Greek yogurt to a bowl.  Make sure you stir the almond butter well before using it.  In my experience, almond butter usually has a thick film of oil on the top of the jar that you have to stir in before using.  I recommend plain Greek yogurt so that it’s easier to adjust the sweetness later.

Mix the yogurt and almond butter together until they are combined and smooth.

Taste to see if if it’s sweet enough for you.  Add a little brown sugar, a teaspoon at a time, until it’s just right.

That’s it!  Now dip your fruit in and enjoy.  I particularly enjoy dipping apple slices and strawberries in this, but I bet bananas and pineapple would also be really tasty!

What are you doing in the new year to counteract all that holiday eating?


Fruit Dip
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  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 almond butter
  • 1-2 tablespoons brown sugar, optional


  1. Mix yogurt and almond butter together until  smooth.
  2. Taste for sweetness and add brown sugar, if needed.






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