10 New Year’s Resolutions for 2018!
Happy New Year! The whole year I feel like I was in shock, things are going by so fast that I feel like I should be getting reading for Easter and a new year is upon us. This year I am going to try to embrace it! Do you make New Years resolutions? I do sometimes, but there always half-assed and end up being the same generic things: lose weight, watch less TV, etc., etc. By mid-year they’ve gone by the wayside and I don’t revisit them again. This year I am trying something different. I am making resolutions that will make me happy or make me feel better in some way. Instead of beating myself up for not accomplishing them I am going to check in periodically with you about how I’m doing. Sound like a deal? Will you help keep me honest?
I’ve come up with a list of 10 resolutions for 2018, some of them big and some of them not so much.
So here we go!
Buy from more black-owned business-
You guys know that I am pro #BlackLivesMatter, fighting racism and inequality head on. I’ve realized that one way to do this is with my wallet. We don’t live in a black neighborhood or in a very black state for that matter so this one is going to be a challenge. However, I found Support Black-Owned has an app that helps locate black-owned businesses and I’ll be on the lookout for more. I’m going to keep these in mind when gift-giving, shopping in general, and when trying new restaurants. We’ve already fallen in love with JuneBaby in Ravenna (you can expect a Rachel’s Food Tourism post on this amazing restaurant in the future!). If you have a favorite black-owned business, let me know! When I find a great new product, restaurant, or business I’ll share it with you on my twitter and instagram using #BlackOwnedBusiness
Meditate- I used to meditate once a week or so using the Simple Being app. I found that it helped me focus and made me feel less scattered. I’m not sure why I ever stopped! I want to get back into it regularly (at least once per week) to keep me centered. Have you ever tried meditation? Do you have other guided meditation apps you use?
Read one book per month not for book club- While I’m not working outside the home I have no excuse for not reading more. When I am reading regularly I feel more informed and need to make it a priority again. I really want to do this before I start working again so it’s part of a routine and I’ll be less likely to set it aside. What have you been reading?
Support charities that really make an impact- There’s so much going on in the world and I think we all feel like we could be doing more to help those struggling. I’d like to support several charities that have causes I really believe in that aren’t already well-known. I hope to make financial contributions once I join the workforce again, but in the meantime I plan on finding some to support in other ways. Right now some contenders are Black Girls Code and Friends of the Children. Stay tuned and I’ll keep you all posted on what I’m doing, and how you could get involved too!
Try out a new bread or challenging baked good recipe at least once per month- While I’ve had the time, I’ve really enjoyed challenging myself when it comes to baking. I am becoming more successful at baking bread which I never thought would happen and I want to continue with that. Having something that I made with my own hands come out of the oven the way it’s supposed to has really upped my confidence. There’s something very satisfying about learning a new skill and I don’t want to let that go! I’ll keep sharing my creations with you and we can learn together!
Devote time once a month to electronic/online organization- I don’t know about you guys but I am constantly struggling to keep my email in check. I need to make time once a month to organize emails like purging things, putting messages in the correct folders, etc. I will also use this time de-clutter my computer desktop and my phone.
Drink more water- This might seem like one of those generic or cliche resolutions but it really is something that makes me feel better. When I don’t drink enough water and become dehydrated I get really bad headaches. Obviously, I don’t like feeling this way so I need to be on top of drinking water before the headaches come.
Develop an exercise routine- Now that I am on the correct medication for my Lupus, I need to become more active. This will make me feel better physically but gaining strength and stamina will help my self-confidence too. I need a routine that’s easy enough at the beginning that I will actually do it without feeling discouraged but also one that I can grow into and make progressively harder. I’m also trying to find a routine that has cardio to build my lung volume back up but also strength training. I’d really appreciate recommendations, what are exercises or resources you’ve had success with?
Write in my journal at least once a month- Every time I write in my journal I look at the date of the last time I’ve written and it’s always waaaaaaayyyy too long ago, like many months or even a year! I keep a journal to document what’s going on in my life or to record a momentous occasion like going on a vacation. Since it’s so long in between entries I end up writing long entries to catch up on my life. If I can make an effort to jot stuff down at least monthly that would help. Do any of you have tips for this? I know people that do the Bullet Journal thing but that still seems intimidating to me.
Paint nails on a regular basis- This one might seem silly but it’s something that always makes me feel good. My friend Sally always has her nails painted and they look so nice! Every time I see her I think to myself, I really should paint MY nails…and then I don’t. I’d like to make it part of my regular routine because it makes me feel happy and put together. 🙂
So those are my resolutions! What are yours for 2018?