Summer Bucket List check-in
Believe it or not, today is the first day of fall! It’s gone by quickly, but I am excited for the cooler fall weather and my next adventure. I thought it would be fun to run through the bucket list I made at the beginning of the summer and see how I did.
So here goes!
Monthly photography outings- Ok, so I didn’t really do this one. I intended to go to the fair and photograph people and animals, but just wasn’t up for it. The good news is that I still have time to photograph something else before the weather turns to crappy. Maybe I’ll head to the Arboretum to catch some fall colors.
Clean the guest room closet- Complete! I also signed up for ThredUp, so I’m excited to see how that works.
Create the best version of my resumé- Done! I still need to create a cover letter, but I should be ready to officially start my job search in the next couple of weeks. I’m excited and nervous all at the same time. :/
Read one book a month that isn’t for book club- Done with pleasure! These are the books I’ve read this summer that weren’t for book club:
- Mezcal Rush– I learned a lot about the spirit from this book and am looking to sample more brands when I’m out and about. If you’ve never had Mezcal, it’s Tequila’s smokier cousin. It’s made with all kinds of agave and the agave is smoked and then used to make the Mezcal.
- Best Food Writing 2016– Honestly, this book wasn’t what I was expecting when I bought it. I thought it was going to be tips on good food writing, but was actually some of the top food article for 2016 (which I should’ve realized by reading the title, lol), but I still enjoyed it and it was good for my brain in other ways.
- Dear, Mr. You- This one I just happened on at the library but I think it was my favorite of these summer reads. The author is actress Mary-Louise Parker and it’s a bunch of essays about men that had an impact, negative and positive, on her life. Some of them are strangers, some are lovers or friends, but it was a touching read. Her writing is exceptional and I thought it was brave of her to be so honest about these people.
Create 5 new ice cream flavors!– Done….almost. Technically, I’ve only made 4 flavors this summer, but it’s still a win in my book! It’s been fun trying out new ice cream recipes and here are the ones I made:
Clean and organize my office- Done! While it was a chore, it feels so good to have it done! I can walk into my office and actually see the surface of my desk. I just have to make sure I don’t get lazy and make an effort to put things away rather than letting them pile up (that’s how I got into the mess in the first place).

Before- what a mess!

After- muuuuuuch better!
Get caught up on my email and get it organized-– I’ve only sort of completed this one. I had my multiple email inboxes in good shape and then I started letting them go. I can tell this is going to be an ongoing battle that I will have to diligently continue to fight!
Visit all the libraries within 5 miles of my house- Technically, I don’t think I visited all of the libraries in that radius, but I did visit 5. It’s hard to call going to 5 libraries anything but a win. 🙂
Spruce up my LinkedIn and Facebook profiles- This one is in progress. I’ve updated them, but still need a photo (ugh).
Have a movie marathon- I haven’t gotten to this yet, but hope to in the next week. The cooler weather is perfect for plopping myself on the coach with a blanket, some wine, and snacks. Any movie recommendations?
Designate 1 day/week where I don’t leave the house- This one was not a problem! I would spend at least 1 day/week at home and it was glorious. Knowing I had at least one day where I didn’t have to get out of my PJs has been awesome!
Designate 1 day/week where I get out and see the world- I’ve been less good about this one. While I did get out, I haven’t been on many adventures. I did get out and work at the library a few times for a change of pace, went to the Bellevue Art Museum once, went blueberry picking and have met friends several times for lunch.
Make puff pastry- I did it! While it was time consuming, I felt like it was totally worth it. I made puff pastry cones and filled them with chocolate mousse. They were so tasty. I hope to make a few more batches that I can freeze before I have to return to work.
Read all the magazines I’ve accumulated around the house- Done! It’s been nice to clear these up from our tv room.
Color in my coloring book once a week- While I haven’t done this as often as once a week, I do feel like I’ve done other relaxing things, like starting a new tv show and baking things that I want to make (without being rushed!).
Organize the wine fridge- This was the first project I tackled at the beginning of the summer! We now have our wines divided between red and white and I have those sections arranged by dates we can drink them. I labeled the ones we’re aging with the date we bought them and when they will be ready to drink. We don’t have that many we’re aging, but it’s nice to know we won’t accidentally drink those early!
It’s been a great summer! I’m looking forward to the cooler weather to make things like soups and stews.
What was on your summer bucket list? What’s your favorite fall activity?
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