2017 Summer Bucket List
Today is the first day of summer so I thought it would be fun to share my Summer Bucket List. I may have more time on my hands for the first summer in awhile, so I want to make the most of it! I am embarking on a new adventure. July 6th is my last day at the company I’ve been working for the past 14 years. There have been a lot of changes and I just didn’t feel like the company was the right fit for me any longer. I’m sure some people think I’m crazy to leave a job that pays well and has good benefits with no new job lined up, but it was just time.
I’m always in awe of those people on Chopped or other shows that leave their jobs in corporate America to pursue their culinary dreams. I may end up back in finance, but I am taking a step back for now to take a break and then re-group. I am excited and nervous, but I will keep you all posted as my journey unfolds!
Now to my list! It’s filled with projects/chores and things I’ve always wanted to do.
Monthly photography outings- My friend Sally invited me to the Arboretum awhile back so we could both work on our photography and it was really fun. I took some of these pictures on my last photo outing to the Ballard Locks a little over a year ago.
I want to get back into doing this to improve my photography, but also to get out and see new things. I’ll go to at least one place where I can take nature shots, but also want to find a place where I can people watch or find a place that has some visual interest. Anyone out there who lives in the PNW, I’d love some ideas.
Clean the guest room closet- This one is certainly not exciting or glamorous but it’s time. Here’s the before picture (don’t judge me!). I’ll try to remember to post before and after pics on Instagram.

I know, it’s really bad!
Create the best version of my resumé- Another task that is a necessary evil. I have several version of my resume, none that I’m completely happy with. I’m going to research more formats and then send it to a friend that used to work in HR to give me some honest feedback (thanks in advance Nikki, he he).
Read one book a month that isn’t for book club- Finding the time between work and blogging for other stuff has been a challenge. Let’s be real, I am usually scrambling at the last minute to even finish the one book per month we read in book club. I’m looking forward to having more time (and brainpower) to read a few other books that have been sitting on my shelves for months (or even years).
Create 5 new ice cream flavors!- As you guys have heard me say, I got an ice cream maker awhile back. Now that we’re getting into warm weather season I want to go crazy with it and try out all kinds of flavors. Chocolate lavender and pear blue cheese are at the top of the list.
Clean and organize my office- Ugh, I have let my office at home get WAY out of control. I want to take a day to clean my desk, sweep/mop, purge old books, and re-organize my files. I am actually kind of looking forward to this because I know it’s going to make me feel so much better. Right now even stepping into that room just stresses me out!
Get caught up on my email and get it organized- This is another task I’ve been avoiding because I just don’t have the time. I need to clean up my multiple email inboxes, set up some new folders and purge all the messages I no longer need.
Visit all the libraries within 5 miles of my house- Some of you may have seen my pic on Instagram or Facebook a few months back when I got my new library card. I had forgotten what an amazing resource libraries can be and I think it would be really fun to check out others in my area.
Spruce up my LinkedIn and Facebook profiles- Once I start looking for a few job, I know these Social Media platforms will be important. I need to devote more time to making my profiles more appealing, which includes adding a profile picture and more details about myself. It may be surprising since I take so many photos, but I hate having my picture taken. However, I know that adding a portrait (especially on LinkedIn) really makes a difference. I just need to suck it up and take one.
Have a movie marathon- My husband and I have a ton of movies, but lately we haven’t gotten around to watching many. I want to stay in my PJs all day and just watch movie after movie. Obviously, there will also be snacks and wine involved!
Designate 1 day/week where I don’t leave the house- Believe it or not, I am a homebody. I am happy as a clam spending a weekend at home cooking or whatever. I’d like to make this part of my routine while I’m off. I am introvert at heart and being home helps me recharge.
Designate 1 day/week where I get out and see the world- Since I’m a homebody I will probably be tempted to stay in more than I should. While I need that treat, I also need to see new things. In addition to the photo trips and libraries, I want to go somewhere I haven’t been with no agenda other than seeing what the PNW has to offer.
Make puff pastry- Awhile ago I started a “goals” Pinterest board (it may have something to do with watching the Great British Baking Show) that has classics I’d love to master. One of them is puff pastry from scratch. There are so many things you can do with puff pastry and I think it would be so neat to make my own. I’ve made croissants a few times, but not often because they take soooooo long. I suspect puff pastry is going to be similar. I intend to master it while I have the time.
Read all the magazines I’ve accumulated around the house- A few Christmases ago Derek subscribed me to a few magazines. His gifts were vacation themed and when we go on a vacation I like to get a few trashy magazines. While it was neat, some of the subscriptions never stopped so I have a HUGE pile of magazines around the house that I’ve never read. It’s time to get to them!
Color in my coloring book once a week- I jumped on the adult coloring book craze a few years back and I love it! It’s fun to be creative in that way and it’s really soothing. I have several coloring books that haven’t been touched in awhile so I’d love to take a few hours every week to get back to it.
Organize the wine fridge- I fully acknowledge how “bougie” this task sounds, but here goes. When Derek and I went to Napa for our 5th anniversary we bought a few bottles of wine that are good for aging. It’s not something we’d ever really considered before, but we found a 2010 bottle of Cabernet at one of the wineries we really liked. That was the year we got married, so we thought it would be fun to age it until our 10th anniversary. There are several other bottles we bought that are good for aging but they are currently mixed in with our other wines. I’d like to identify the ones we’re aging and label them so we don’t accidentally drink one (I know, I know, this is a total first world problem!).
So there’s my list. What’s on your summer bucket list? Do you have any annual summer traditions? Let me know in the comments.